Wednesday, July 06, 2005

oic, I-O-C

The biggest announcement made in Singapore today, July 6th! The names of the 12 new MRT stations, and the public admission that the government can't take of 8 more names. No, but seriously speaking here.
Did anyone catch the live broadcast of the IOC announcement? When the girl carried the envelope on the pillow, it looked so unsteady at the sharp acute angle; about to slip off at any time. Then there would be a big Hoo Ha and the President would have to 'Excuzi Muar' and bend down to pick up the envelope. The girl can't do it probably because she would 1) be holding the pillow or 2) have already run down the very open stage, where all the fat suited men and Princess Anne was siting in a lecture-hall like arrangement, in utter shame.
I could actually hear my heart pounding in the still silence in front of the TV. 'The city of 'Lawn-Don (you know,like manicured grass patch followed by something like Shao's friend's name)' So far in every interview I have read in my life, if the speaker is slightly french, I would silently pronounce mentally the words with a french accent without fail. A greater example of the french accent would be if Paris had won. Paris, pronounced by the rich and famous, the french, the third lang frenchies and anyone who wants to be in the above three groups (like me, although only mentally and unconsciously), sound like this.
Pear-Rhee(the fruit, followed quickly by the sound of clearing one's throat, ready to spit like an Ah Beng on the pavement)-(rhymes with whee). Pronounce almost as one syllable and sped up with the velocity of a Concorde and you would have just almost gotten it right. Of course this can be used only in sentences quickly and not in such an important, anticipated event where one word is all it takes to make some 56 million people (I made up that no. sensibly) seriously ecstatic. But if pearhee really won, he would have winced the words even slower, finishing with a wry smile to mock the Londoners and making another 32 million (made up again) super 'harpee'. It is also said that 87% of the time people don't bother to check whether published statistics are accurate.
They should have gotten an Ah Beng to announce the results, to be (ubiquitous) uniquely Singapore... and maybe name of the 8 remaining stations after the IOC or whatever.


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5:14 PM  

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