Friday, July 29, 2005


Just a thought for people thinking of claiming independence as a nation.
Don't get complicated flag designs.
I really pity the kids in Brazil and Guam. They have to draw and colour in intricate symbols and stuff in their flags that they attact onto flimsy straws. You're probably pretty poor and can't afford printed flags either. You might think the US flag design is pretty dumb too with the a star for each 50 states. But its terribly ingenious. Just pre-print the 50 stars and stripes and colour in! And since their kids, its ok to colour a bit over the lines all in the spirit of patrotism. Anyway, here's a website about how national flags actually can be used to represent information. Flags for thought. Problem is, I can't find it at the moment though.

Friday, July 22, 2005

reccently heard
"62 more days."
"a wise man once told me..."
"just push hard for a few more months."
"if you fail to plan, you're planning to fail."
"54 more days."
"your teachers are trying to help you."
""help me help you,""
"52 more days."
"give your juniors a break next year."
"what more can i say. this is 4D."
"6 more weeks."

Friday, July 15, 2005

Sleep Ingredients

Quick Nap Ingredients
1) Prefably half an hour of spare time
2) Rain
3) A lazy afternoon
4) Classical Music (92.4FM)
5) A boring teacher
5.5) A boring Chinese teacher
6) Lights Off
7) Peer pressure
8) Table and Chair
9) Complete silence

Ahh... almost perfect, just that this is what waiting time is like before 'O' levels chinese listening comprehension held today.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Mr TT Durai, CEO and Honorary Secretary of the NKF Excutive Comittee

Gold Tap

Taken from NKFS site under Utilisation of Funds on July 14 2005
How does the NKFS utilise its resources for paper and printing?
"Like any business enterprise, the NKFS' efforts are predicated on one principle - to get the best return on investment. In other words, we try to get the best return on every dollar we spend. Many of our strategies and policies are adopted from the world's best practices in fundraising that have been tried and tested. We do not want to be lavish or ostentatious. We want to be effective."

Can the same be said for other uses of funds?
Must I say more, or get slapped with any defamation lawsuits? Please see personal particulars for contact details.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

july 13

Handphones harm society? I agree completely. Today a crazy man boarded the bus with his ear piece on. Everyone on the bus was treated to his loud threats that was somehow aimed at his sister's 'murderer'. Something like :' **** *****(hokkein vulgaruty that rhymes with chicken pie), DIE! I CALL POLICE HANDCUFF YOU, CUFF YOU, DIE!'. I feared for my life and See Kiat ran out from the front exit. The aunties on the bus seemed a bit more wide eyed and just stared for a while. Even the St Pats' boys were rather nonchalant about the whole thing. So the lesson today is, handphones are BAD for you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

My Day

Two Things would make me really HAPPY right now.
1) Death Cab for Cutie's Transatlanticism (OK, death cab [for short] is not some crazy ass heavy metal band obsessed with the death for cute things in taxis, its a really slow mellow rock *sob-sob* band, which is impossible to find at either HMV or Tower Records. Stuff at HMV is generally cheaper too, with a free gift(Jay Kay handphone trinket, although I didn't really see how I could use it at that moment of impulse buying)too! DCfC preview tracks at their site! Their first one is especially mellow.
2) Freakonomics by Steve Levitt.

I bought two albums today to free myself of the guilt accumulated by downloading , no wait, sharing stuff over the net.

Monday, July 11, 2005

People I Do Not Know and Do Not Like

People I Do Not Know and Do Not Like
1)Someone was coughing away behind me during assembly today. I don't really know who it was but it was the most extreme cough I ever heard even though it lasted for about a few seconds. He was coughing so hard I did not dare turn around. He coughed so hard, it was almost about to dislodge his tonsils form his throat. I imagine they either looked like a jelly bean or a hairy young pink gerbil covered in bodily fluids. It was really that bad. Just imagine it falling in your face when you looked back to shut him up.

Anyway, when Chem finished, I was so excited about going to library with MY book buddy, Nsrul, I almost asked him if he was free(he had Orals). So I caught hold of myself, spent the one most unproductive time of my life discussing with Law and Susanto where to go. Here were our options and things that held us back:
Bowling- I can't play for nuts and costs
Movie- Costs
The Arts House at the Old Parliment- Lack of interest
Whirlwind MRT adventure- ditto
Anywhere else- someone had tuition

As some may have read the tag board, 172 55 is asking me to guess when is the next time we will meet, becuase it has been over 9 years since we last saw each other. So when 172 55 is her clue she gave me, and if there's any smart alecs out there, just feel free to shout out any ideas. 172 55 is the most fun person to have a converstaion with. We talk about 5 things at one go, which sometimes leads to really messed up lines and i get the feeling that after all her travelling around the world, she has become a really FUN person, online at least. ok, so back to cracking the code of 172 55. It's not a date and she said to think low and look deep... OK i offer my first pay check meant for my blog manaager, anyone who gets the right idea. after much complex calculation done on my part for possible contributors,20 guesses will get you a packet of tissue. so, get to it, start cracking, NOW.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Things to Do(Note to self)
1)Find the Dilbert Comic Book
( I just finished some book and there were two really lame jokes in it.
Did you hear about the naked guy that ran into the middle of a busy church service?
They caught him by the organ.
Pls Note: Most people don't find it funny when they're cramming just 5 mins before an A Maths test. So don't try it then, take it from me. The A Math Textbook is preety painful on your head.)
2) Find the neighbour that cut off the internet access for my iBook, threaten to kill them, then beg them to share with me again.
Now, two of my points are gone and I'm forced to use a 'PC'. That's when i noticed that my blog manager has added her own little line in the bar below this page.
3)Call relatives in London. Actually they're both nurses, so they should be pretty busy right now.
3.5) Go return some library books
4) Study for Chem Mid-Year on monday I guess
5) Hum MY own classical song. If Chopard and the deaf Mozart can do it, why not me?
I just blended in some familar ones and it sounded passable, but that was before I went to bed, so I could be wrong.
Time to crash and burn (the midnight oil)
OK so this is my game plan to beat chem, the last mid year exam on monday.
After this I will sleep for about 10 hours and then tackle chem head on!
Good Night!
I tried to compose my own classical music last night by humming out a tune, that's why I slept at 3am.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

oic, I-O-C

The biggest announcement made in Singapore today, July 6th! The names of the 12 new MRT stations, and the public admission that the government can't take of 8 more names. No, but seriously speaking here.
Did anyone catch the live broadcast of the IOC announcement? When the girl carried the envelope on the pillow, it looked so unsteady at the sharp acute angle; about to slip off at any time. Then there would be a big Hoo Ha and the President would have to 'Excuzi Muar' and bend down to pick up the envelope. The girl can't do it probably because she would 1) be holding the pillow or 2) have already run down the very open stage, where all the fat suited men and Princess Anne was siting in a lecture-hall like arrangement, in utter shame.
I could actually hear my heart pounding in the still silence in front of the TV. 'The city of 'Lawn-Don (you know,like manicured grass patch followed by something like Shao's friend's name)' So far in every interview I have read in my life, if the speaker is slightly french, I would silently pronounce mentally the words with a french accent without fail. A greater example of the french accent would be if Paris had won. Paris, pronounced by the rich and famous, the french, the third lang frenchies and anyone who wants to be in the above three groups (like me, although only mentally and unconsciously), sound like this.
Pear-Rhee(the fruit, followed quickly by the sound of clearing one's throat, ready to spit like an Ah Beng on the pavement)-(rhymes with whee). Pronounce almost as one syllable and sped up with the velocity of a Concorde and you would have just almost gotten it right. Of course this can be used only in sentences quickly and not in such an important, anticipated event where one word is all it takes to make some 56 million people (I made up that no. sensibly) seriously ecstatic. But if pearhee really won, he would have winced the words even slower, finishing with a wry smile to mock the Londoners and making another 32 million (made up again) super 'harpee'. It is also said that 87% of the time people don't bother to check whether published statistics are accurate.
They should have gotten an Ah Beng to announce the results, to be (ubiquitous) uniquely Singapore... and maybe name of the 8 remaining stations after the IOC or whatever.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

ooo... pictures option

blogger has finally done it.
now everyone can post pictures without flickr!
but it takes sooooo long...
ok i give up. i guess the picture of terence and dan p cuddling next to the vs flag has to wait a while longer...