Thursday, June 01, 2006

singapore (idol) politics

i would like to draw your attention to today's S idol results show.
what was with the lame 'let's go over to the judges table with Dan' thingy? it seemed like two seasoned NDP hosts doing NDP again, like 'let's go over to this heartland!' kind of thing.
and yes, my jaw fell when flo commented after jonathon leong was in,
dan asked her 'so what do you think of singapore's choice?'
flo:' i think singapore voted CORRECTLY..(mad cheers)'

defiition of correctness from wikipedia (they use the word 'testee' leh, hee hee..

'In everyday use, the correctness of a statement is determined by whether or not it matches reality. People can think a statement is correct and be wrong. When scoring tests of knowledge where there is only one accepted answer for each problem, a device or person marks an answer as correct if it matches what the test designer has determined the testee should answer. It is common for one or more answers, thought at the time by the designer of a test to match reality, and to, at a later date, be shown to not match what can be observed, and therefore be unlikely to match reality. This often results in the mark for a testee's answer being changed from incorrect to correct at a later date. It is possible for neither the designer's, nor the testee's answer to be correct.'

huh? i'm confused, did the voters pass a test? did they get 2 out of 2? if it was a test, it would be the first time since i was 7 since i got full marks for any test. whoopee! singapore idol is really good man, got test to take and practice before mid years come! we did the right thing, we are men!

miss lian, freudian slip or whatever, this just says a lot about the singaporean mentality of a vote. i'm not out to poke fun or raise a big issue, but yeah, there's no correct or wrong in a vote. a choice is a choice, you may think it is right or wrong. and therein lies the problem of singapore. am i right, wrong or correct?