Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Sad Irony of Life

For the first time in my life, I'll be spending my birthday at a funeral.
This saturday, I'm going back to Malaysia for my grandfather's funeral. Out of the four paternal and maternal ansectors I had, he was probably the one I spent the most time with. It won't be hard for me, loosing the attention and focus from my birthday to the funeral. I was never fussy about birthdays anyway. I'll be back on tuesday.

Friday, April 22, 2005

The Numbers Conspiracy

International Friendship Day
The Japanese flag fell from the row of flags strung up across the floor. And here it gets a bit more dark and juicy. Remember the presentation on the different shared icons of different cultures? What was Japan's unlucky number? It was 9. And Japan's flag was the ninth flag from the left of the first row.
And. Guanyu was holding a book about flags a few days before. The PR CHINA scholars did the flag painitng and probably strung it up too. And if you haven't realised it yet, China is angry with Japan for the war and the bid for the permanent seat in the UN Security Council (Are you angry you forefathers-oppressed-Singaporeans?). Did the PR CHINA scholars subliminally send out anti-Japanese messages.(eg. subliminal messaging with lud speakers in China? like in C&C Generals?)
Especially so when the Japansese students come to visit so reccently? (With the last (fat) Japanese guy shouting a rude obnoxious 'thhhaaankk yoooou'to end off his his speech then went something like this:
'uuu... i emmm vellly hoor-neered tooo veeseet!'(his saving grace? he had a cool shirt with the word 'Eurostile' in the type font Eurostile)
And today's thai and idonesian visitors. Were they out for revenge after their take-over and invasion respectively?
I really must stop reading Dan Brown novels. Wait, O silly me, I have already finished all four!

And still on numbers here.
I came up with the concept of writing/drawing whatever I aim for. Like for PSLEs i drew many pentagon-shaped stars to aim for A*s. Well, for the O Levels this year, I have decided to do the same. But the thing is I can't write 6s every where can I? I'll just be a bigger suspect for my parents that I'm a dark-devil worshipper, taking into account my past obsession with stars/five sided/pentagons. I think I'll stick to 7. So when ever I feel like slacking off, I'll just think of that one little number.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Confessions and Epiphany of a School Anachist

So the XC Championships went pretty well. When I mean it went well, I mean the result of the results were pretty good, not that the event was that fantastic. We are the C and B div champions. So that means no school for tomorrow. Pretty good result of the results huh? It's only now appropriate to stop basking in goody-goody goodness and cheer and time to do some Red Shirt trashing.
One particular one had the leadership capabilties and social gravitas of a starved chimpanzee. It also helped that hed really did look like a starved chimpanzee screaming his small black hairy head off when making the comparison. But I can't risk naming the primate for the fear of being attacked by the starved monkey, I'm quite succulent by the way.
I was talking to Shrooms about who were real leaders up there. I was quite fixed on the idea that the Red Shirts fussed over their red shirts and they were born loosers out there. No one complained when the bimbo Power 98 FM announcer giggled a common faux pas, Victoria Secondary School, or tried to inform the organisers that they got the winning name of the champions wrong.
But of course the afternoon had its reedeming points that would make even Baghdad Bob or Mr Boh (by the way, where is that old man?)smile. The sight of seniors just banging away on the upturned pails just was a little nice. Nice to see so many old boys breaking away from their JC stands to come make noise with us. A nice mix of white and a little green and light blue uniforms bobbing away. And you see some senior that you thought would never end up at VJ and it's a little shock and jolt for you to work hard. Oh and of course the Victorian Anthem followed by the Spelling Cheer where every sweaty body just rushes in and jumps on the poor fellow in front of him. I of course tried to join in without really joining in. You can't figure out which part of the cheer they are in as the sound is drowned out by crushed squealing young ones, their lungs pressed for that short dozen seconds, squeezing their youth and innocence out of them as they push and shove. Only the 12 claps at the end can save such a sorrowful tainted tradition.
I tried to find the picture where Shi Ronghua gave an exhibit to the people at the sidelines what he had for lunch, but it seems like the army and SJI (organisers) are either pretty slow or IT-idiot bunch, or both on their website. So you just have to be contented with a few words to paint the grotesque picture of a mess.
The Mr Maran had to spoil my new mood when he commented that we had put up a good performance when cheering. I want no part when we claim any SYF Cheering Gold with honours.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Month of Silence

If you really haven't noticed, it has been four weeks and three days since i last blogged. If there is any substantial reason; here it is: I was probably on a Sabbatical, taking a break from blogger-dom to the pits of hellish american TV shows.
Here's a simple short list of what's at the top of my head, tip of my tounge:
1. CSI Miami
2. CSI Las Vegas
3. Las Vegas
4. Frasier
5. Some losuy spin off from My Big Fat Greek Wedding
6. The Practice
7. The Apprentice
8. Arrested Development (highly commended by Nasrul and I)
I would daresay that I have matured after watching so much nonsense. And I'm back!

Heard about Malaysia introducing sex education to schools... at age 4?
I hope that there won't be any crossway conflict when I say this (extradition proccedures or their ISA knocking on my door in the middle of the night) but that's totally outrageous by even the American infidel standards. Now surely it will go something like this...:

Ini saya konnek.
Bukan bird bird chek?
Bukan bukan. Ini konnek.

But seriously, are such kids ready to accept such harsh realities of life face on? yes robbery and how to help old grandmothers across the road are ready suitable aims, but sexuality education? And what about the problem with child molesters and pedophiles? Maybe you can teach them not to hold hands with members of the opposite sex. O, clarification. They're teaching them how to avoid sexual predators. Well that makes a lot more sense. Everyone should/know/s how to spot one right? Well done Malaysia!

And we played Hangman in Chinese
Ernest vs Terence and Terence
My words
1. 'Why' (this was really hard got them stumped. 'Why no vowels?' in response to 62872797) Didn't get it.
2. 'Cambridge' Got it.
3. 'English' Got it.
4. 'Porky Pig' (jason helped but still couldn't figure out his own name) Didn't get it.
5. 'Fire Extinguisher' Didn't get it.

Terence's words
1. 'Sado-machoism' Got it!
2. '62872797' ....
3. 'Lorraine Sux' Drew some flak from Terence

I can speculate what's going to happen at tomorrow's XC finals. It will rain and some people will get soaking wet for the school while others will sneak out of Turf City. With regard to my honorary discharge from the Black Shirts (The Black Shirts are a CCA in our school, in most other schools they are called Camp/School Leaders and in JCs they're called OGLs), I don't know who to support. Should I stand up and cheer half-dead, dont cheer or cheer my brains and tonsils out? Anyway, it should be quite fun huh?