Monday, January 30, 2006

Nerds UNITE!

It is the CNY break, lots of time to study!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Rumors, schumors!

Just heard a wild rumor. So I better hit the DISCLAIMER button. DISCLAIMER, DISCLAIMER Did anyone get those MOE teaching letters about taking a teaching career with MOE? Rumor has it that you'll get it if your L1R5 is 12-20. Wait! Did they use Prelims or your actual O's results? Arrghh! Rumor has it that MOE has sent out letters based on the O' Level results! I am pissing in my pants right now I tell you. But you must understand that this spread with SMS and IM wildfire. It can be true or some idiot's way of freaking out almost all J1 students. Stay tuned for the results in the week of 6-10 Feb!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Another blog?

Well, one night, my mom caught me doing up the blog and she picked up on it. She started chatting with others about the linked blogs and one thing lead to another. Announcing the debut of The Kohs blog! The first post is a newsletter recapping last year. Do check it out and tell me what you think! (it is kinda weird)

Saturday, January 07, 2006

A link to tiffyvonn inc
A must for all girls out there!!
Tiffany is from my OG and her site here is really impressive. I almost thought it was an actual site and she even sends out e-mails that do look rather interesting. So check her site and stuff out.
"hello everyone!

tiffany loh here. i just finished my o levels and currently trying out something, which is to sell earrings that i have made myself. i've always been interested in making and selling my own earrings and accessories, and since now i have the time, i just want to try it out. i hope you all can give me your support.

i've only made a few at the moment and will be making more soon. so if you are interested, you can go to to view some of the earrings i've made. if you like what you see and would like to purchase one, you can email me or to order, and i will get back to you on how to collect it.

thank you for your support and time!! hope to hear from you."

Reflect or Refract

So with the banana muffin digested and egested, I start the morning (or afternoon) with an apple and rasin muffin, thanks to dan's mum. Wonder where they got it from, they taste great both in the morning and night.
Anyway, here's to summing up SAJC's orientation.
The last day was pretty much preparation and having a blast at the finale.
Photos there if any are interested (I doubt so though).
Everyone likes Indian Dance, Chori Chori. I thought it was wicked.

At the end of it all, the lights were turned off in the hall and it became a big dance floor-cum-mosh pit with live music and over the AV system. The band even played One Way. I guess this is a good way to prepare for Franz Ferdinard comming Feb 16. (Anyone interested, drop me a mail.)
But at the end of all this, what do we get?
Orientation may be the most fun I've ever had with strangers my entire life. But when mid Feb comes and the results of the big Os come, do I really want to stay here at SAJC? The main objective of any orientation is to welcome you to their family and SA have really done a good job. But will fun and friends affect my choice of school? I don't know.
Anyway, when lectures start next week (hoping to crash interesting ones like Lit and Art), I'll have less time to think about this and a better understanding of SA's environment.
Here's to a new school year!

BTW, call me up and hear my new sexy deep voice! I think I have due to several factors, as listed below,
1) Eating about half a box of Hawiian Nuts covered in Chocolate from the neighbours
2) Running around in sch trying to escape a mad mosquito fogging gas cloud
3) Cheering my lungs out
5) Pigging out a Macs last night

See for Yourself (You Lazy Bums, bums, butts)

Compared to the rest of the male SA population,I am officially retarded. Me getting certificate from Retarded Idiots (RI) next Monday.

The BC group imitating our discussion topics, her 'good' friend and the pig.

See, ten fries in my mouth, Cynthia only manages one nugget. I salvage my ego after the loss in the biggest mouth stage game.(I only manage 7 measly marshmallows.)

More about bhangra and Christian rock concerts tomorrow. Have to let banana muffin digest first.

Two Words

Two Words
please note that I was not in the best of moods. I used up 2 packets of tissue and 1 big packet the whole day. that would explain any red-noses you see, no,they're not leftovers frm xmas. and yes, i was trying to act dumb in some(all) of them.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Me dance? Never, NO!

After a month-long hiatus (don't you just love the word?), I have loads to blog about. Today was day 2 of Saintaldeia or in other words, the SAJC orientation. Met many other people from rosyth such as Cynthia, Samuel, Weiying, Indra, Yi Xiang and still yet to find Daryl Leong. Yes, he's still that pimply tall foul-mouthed idiot.
Anyway, the inevitable event of any jc orientation is the mass dance. (Que hystrical cheers.) Before anyone gets twisted ideas of the chicken dance, the SA dance is sort of a lindy-hop 40s couples dance. And weirdly enough, the girls greatly outnumbered the boys. Anyway, the dance is based on a lot of kicks and step-backs and shaky hands for that jazzy vibe. My dance partner was Shu Hui from SCGS, (I'm not quite sure of the spelling but the 'Shu' is Xsomething), the point is she reassured she would not eat me. So everyone slowly got into the groove. The final say at the end of the day is that we were too tired to dance anymore, but almost everyone was looking for more.
Now, I have to get back to my egg and cucumber sandwich(look at The Importance of Being Ernest for the symbolic sandwich eater)! Oh yeh Char, if you can go and add some links in under my links row, that would be great!