Thursday, March 16, 2006


Yes, after seeing tagboard so graciously begin to function again, I felt it was time to update.
No, I did not to appeal and I am smashingly happy in this JC in the East. Yes, recreation frisbee and the Writer's Circle (Do the Write Thing) will probably be my two CCAs, including BB. The circle is amazing I tell you, shall post more stuff on that soon.
And yes more big changes, I got a mobile phone after years of enslavement and fighting. Have to have the number? I really don't look foward to weirdos ringing me up so yeh, just ask me for it.
My class is amazing, first day I met them and we went to watch Wolf Creek and later danced at Suntec. Nothing like a bit of stupid horror to get to know people better. Then just last night, 13 of us squeezed ourselves into 2 bedrooms to spend the nigt. There was the 'Sleep with the Light On' Room and the 'Slept Later' Room. As a night owl, I obviously felt better in the latter/later. Anyway, it was 4 guys and 2 girls on 2 beds with 3 pillows, 4 small blankets and a sleeping bag. I think we spent two hours just fighting over the stuff and I somehow woke up with Colgate on my face.

I miss the Saints.
I miss how we tried to imitate 'Cheena Piangs' with their extra Zs at the end of every word like HIZ and YOZ and WAH LAOZ EHZ and FRENZ.
I miss the open canteen.
I miss the 'slawbelly-bahnana' ice thingamajig at the drinks store.
I miss the time when we laugh at teachers screwing up IT lessons and not being able to tell the two sexes apart during a lecture.
I miss 'Later Later' Matthew and Xiao Hua.
I miss Aunty Cassie and Yogi Bear/Dead Fish Siyu.
I miss the entire KCP gang.
I miss my new boss and the next S'pore Idol.
I miss the terrible lectures.
I miss the motherly econs teacher.
I miss the PE lessons.

That's enough.