Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A lil' late

In line with my past post-exam activities which include
1) Going to the library
2) Watching a movie with people you don't really know
3) Playing badminton in the hot sun in uniform with peope you wished you didn't know
, I really had no other choice for my fourth 'activitiy' except to do
The end of a big exam is really anti-climatic. Always compile a physical list of post-exam activities before the last day ends. And don't kid yourself by reassuring yourself that better time can be used for study rather than compiling the list or mentally remembering the list. It doesn't work especially if you have the hapless memory of a goldfish in a bowl.
And blog manager, if you're reading this, you're hired! I can't get the stuff on the right column to appear at the top, its at the bottom together with my rotting previous posts. So please HELIP HELIP ME!