Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Month of Silence

If you really haven't noticed, it has been four weeks and three days since i last blogged. If there is any substantial reason; here it is: I was probably on a Sabbatical, taking a break from blogger-dom to the pits of hellish american TV shows.
Here's a simple short list of what's at the top of my head, tip of my tounge:
1. CSI Miami
2. CSI Las Vegas
3. Las Vegas
4. Frasier
5. Some losuy spin off from My Big Fat Greek Wedding
6. The Practice
7. The Apprentice
8. Arrested Development (highly commended by Nasrul and I)
I would daresay that I have matured after watching so much nonsense. And I'm back!

Heard about Malaysia introducing sex education to schools... at age 4?
I hope that there won't be any crossway conflict when I say this (extradition proccedures or their ISA knocking on my door in the middle of the night) but that's totally outrageous by even the American infidel standards. Now surely it will go something like this...:

Ini saya konnek.
Bukan bird bird chek?
Bukan bukan. Ini konnek.

But seriously, are such kids ready to accept such harsh realities of life face on? yes robbery and how to help old grandmothers across the road are ready suitable aims, but sexuality education? And what about the problem with child molesters and pedophiles? Maybe you can teach them not to hold hands with members of the opposite sex. O, clarification. They're teaching them how to avoid sexual predators. Well that makes a lot more sense. Everyone should/know/s how to spot one right? Well done Malaysia!

And we played Hangman in Chinese
Ernest vs Terence and Terence
My words
1. 'Why' (this was really hard got them stumped. 'Why no vowels?' in response to 62872797) Didn't get it.
2. 'Cambridge' Got it.
3. 'English' Got it.
4. 'Porky Pig' (jason helped but still couldn't figure out his own name) Didn't get it.
5. 'Fire Extinguisher' Didn't get it.

Terence's words
1. 'Sado-machoism' Got it!
2. '62872797' ....
3. 'Lorraine Sux' Drew some flak from Terence

I can speculate what's going to happen at tomorrow's XC finals. It will rain and some people will get soaking wet for the school while others will sneak out of Turf City. With regard to my honorary discharge from the Black Shirts (The Black Shirts are a CCA in our school, in most other schools they are called Camp/School Leaders and in JCs they're called OGLs), I don't know who to support. Should I stand up and cheer half-dead, dont cheer or cheer my brains and tonsils out? Anyway, it should be quite fun huh?


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